TALL Tales

Using EasyMDE with Blade UI Kit on a Live Server

04 Oct, 2022

The Blade UI Kit is great and I use parts of it on this site but I couldn't get the EasyMDE editor working in production.

Luckily the Twitter community is awesome and a quick call out for help resulted in @eFawzsan getting in touch and volunteering to help me with it.

A quick look at some of my code and he could immediately see the issue. The app.blade.php file that I use for the layout of my admin area has the following:

  // my head settings
  // my dashboard

This all works fine locally, but if you want the editor to work in production then you need to add an extra bit:

  // my head settings
  // my dashboard

It does actually mention adding this in the docs but because everything else worked OK I didn't revisit that section and so missed it!

Now that it's fixed I can write these posts with a lot more ease!