TALL Tales

About Me

My name is Sarah and I'm a web programmer. I started out with vb.net and then began using PHP in 2010. I chose to focus on the Laravel framework due to the extensive resources and excellent community.

The TALL stack is my favourite and that is where I currently focus.

About this Site

This site is to help me and anyone else learning the TALL stack. It's meant to be a repository of the errors that I inevitably come across and how to fix them, as well as snippets and tutorials of how to do certain things that I know I'll need again and again. I hope it is useful for anyone who comes across the same issues I do.

The code won't be perfect and it probably won't be the best/correct way of doing things, but I'm always learning so I don't expect it to be. If you see something that is badly wrong then please let me know, but in a helpful way!